I had just arrived home in a rush. Any minute friends were coming for drinks before heading out for dinner together. Some sort of hors d’oeuvres were immediately required. 

I have a theory that if I stand in front of an open fridge or wardrobe for long enough something appropriate for the occasion will leap out. My theory did not fail me.

A jar of beetroot chutney I’d made the week before, some witlof and the fridge’s permanent stand-by, a jar of marinated goats’ milk feta morphed into a remarkably easy and surprisingly delicious pre-dinner snack.

 It only took five minutes to spoon a little beetroot chutney and a slice of the goat’s milk feta onto the witlof leaves. Plenty of time now for me to stand with the wardrobe door open hoping for the same success.

I love the combination of sweet and salty. It is delicious in lots of Asian sauces combined with lime juice and often enhanced with the heat of a chilli. Bacon cut into lardons and caramelised in a little honey makes a fabulous addition to a salad and it’s particularly excellent thrown in with a few preserved artichokes and some parsley leaves. Sweet vegetables such as butternut pumpkin marry very well with the saltiness of olives and goats’ milk feta as a filling for a savoury tart. Even grapes and feta are a great combination as part of a salad.

The beetroot chutney is particularly handy to have on hand. It is very easy to make and lasts for months and, if stored in handsome jars, makes a great gift.





Makes around 5 x 250ml jars

1.2           kg beetroot bulbs (about 4 large)
300          gm apples (about 2)
1              brown onion
300          gm white sugar
250          ml white wine vinegar
1              orange, zest
120          ml freshly squeezed orange juice (about 1 large orange)
40            gm fresh ginger
1.5           teaspoons ground star anise
1              cup water
                Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 150°C. Wrap each beetroot bulb in foil and bake for around 1½ hours or until tender. Cool and slip the skins off.

Pulse onion, apples and ginger in a food processor, until finely chopped, or finely chop by hand. Place in a large saucepan with sugar, vinegar, orange rind and juice and star anise. Grate the beetroot with the grating attachment of your food processor, or by hand, and add to the vinegar mix. Bring to a simmer and cook for around 40-45 minutes, stirring often, until the liquid has reduced to almost nothing and you have a thick pulpy mixture. Season with salt and extra vinegar if necessary.

Place in sterilised jars and seal immediately. Beetroot chutney will keep in a cool dark place for months. Refrigerate after opening.

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