Searching through one of my recipe files recently, (the overstuffed and disordered one - I’m sure you have one of these too - where I keep hand written copies, cut-outs and bits and pieces) I came across this odd recipe for a cauliflower pizza base. I don’t know from where it originated. However, with Jan and a few other coeliac friends in mind, I gave it a go. My family, who can eat gluten until the cows come home, said it was not bad at all. In fact, topped with freshly made tomato sauce, buffalo mozzarella, an olive or two and some anchovy fillets, they really liked it. 

So, as weird as it sounds, it is definitely worth trying. Your gluten-free friends will love you and your Italian friends may have to come up with a name for a dish that looks like pizza, tastes like pizza, but isn’t pizza. Anyone for cavolfiore crostata?


Cauliflower Pizza Base



Serves 4

500    gm cauliflower florets, trimmed and broken into small pieces
40      gm besan flour
80      gm parmesan cheese, grated
2        eggs, lightly beaten
½       teaspoon sea salt
¼       teaspoon ground white pepper

Pre-heat oven to 200°.  Line 2 large rectangular oven trays with baking paper.

Put the cauliflower into a food processor and pulse to breakdown the florets into fine crumb-like pieces. (Be careful as this happens quickly and you do not want to turn it into a paste.)

In a large bowl beat together the besan, parmesan, eggs, salt and pepper. Stir through the cauliflower crumbs until well combined.

Divide the mix into 4 and spread onto the 2 oven trays, making 4 even circles.

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and darkening around the edges.

Top with your favourite pizza toppings and be careful not to add too much weight.

Remove the paper and transfer the pizzas to hot trays and cook for 15-20 minutes depending upon the toppings. The pizzas are best eaten with a knife and fork.

Try mini versions for casual nibbles with drinks.

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