This is fusion food. I’ve taken a favourite Japanese flavour, a traditional English-style pudding and a modern method to produce this lovely, easy dessert. It’s another take on the self-saucing lemon pudding but with the more intriguing flavour and aroma of yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit. I haven’t found the fresh fruit in Sydney but a quality bottled juice from a Japanese grocer will be almost as good as the real thing.

The best part of this recipe is that it’s mostly whipped up in a blender, with the egg whites whisked separately. Add some whipped cream and a scattering of lemon zest to the baked puddings and you’re done.



Makes 8-10

400 ml buttermilk
100 ml milk
350 gm caster sugar
4     eggs, separated
100 gm Revenge Gluten-Free Almond Plain Flour (see below)
2     teaspoons gluten-free baking powder
80   gm softened butter, plus extra for dishes
160 ml bottled yuzu juice, available from Japanese grocers
40   ml lemon juice
3     teaspoons lemon zest, plus extra for garnish if using
1     teaspoon vanilla extract
         Boiling water for the baking pan
         Whipped cream for serving
         Lemon zest or
         Hazelnut praline, optional
         Icing sugar, optional

Pre-heat oven to 200° C. Butter 8 -10 x 150ml ovenproof soufflé dishes or shallow bowls. Or bake the pudding in one large bowl and extend the cooking time.

Place the buttermilk, milk, sugar, egg yolks, flour, baking powder, butter, juices, zest and vanilla extract in a blender and mix until well combined.

Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks are formed and then fold in the buttermilk mix.

Place the buttered dishes in a large baking pan. Pour equal amounts of the pudding mix into the dishes.

Place the pan in the oven and then pour boiling water into the pan, coming half way up the side of the dishes.  Bake for 15 minutes until the tops of the puddings are golden. Remove the pan from the oven and carefully lift the dishes onto a cloth. Serve while warm. (The puddings can be refrigerated for a day and gently reheated in the oven for 5 minutes.)

Serve with cream, lemon zest and a dusting of icing sugar.

(I used some hazelnut praline for a bit of crunch on the pictured pudding.)

(The recipe would work well with lemon juice only if you didn’t want to use yuzu juice. Or try a combination of mandarin and lime.)


Yuzu Buttermilk Pudding mouthful pic.jpg



280     gm almond meal
210     gm besan flour
280     gm fine white rice flour
175     gm corn flour

Mix up a batch and store in the fridge.

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