It’s apple season in Australia and when we’re not simply enjoying crunching into a sweet, crisp new season Kanzi, Pink Lady, Jonathon, Royal Gala or Jazz we’re celebrating it with a gluten-free Apple and Poppy Seed Tart.

Tart cooking apple varieties break down more easily when cooked than do the sweeter eating apples which tend to hold their shape during the cooking process so we have used both kinds for the tart. This combination of a Granny Smith apple puree covering the pastry base and poached Kanzi wedges on top of the sweet almond and poppy seed filling works really well together.

And although most apple varieties are harvested in the cooler months, these days all sorts of apples are available year-round putting this tart on the menu whatever the season.



Serves 6-8

For the Apple Puree

2          tart apples such as Granny Smith (380gm approximately)
2          tablespoons caster sugar
1          tablespoon water

Peel, halve and core the apples. Slice thinly and gently toss in the sugar and water. Transfer to a saucepan and over a low heat, cover and cook until the apple is soft. With the lid off, cook, stirring often, until the liquid in the pan has evaporated and the apples have reduced to a pulp.

Allow to cool.

 For the Apples Pieces

3          small sweet apples such as Kanzi or Pink Lady (380gm approximately)
2          tablespoons caster sugar
1          tablespoon water

Peel, halve and core the apples. Cut each apple into four wedges. Gently toss in the sugar and water. Transfer to a lidded saucepan or frying pan large enough for the apple pieces to fit in one layer. Cover and cook until the apple pieces are soft but still retain their shape. Remove the lid and cook until the liquid in the pan has evaporated. Don’t allow the apples to take on colour.

Allow to cool.

For the Tart

½         quantity Revenge Egg Yolk Shortcrust Pastry
100      gm almond meal
150      gm pure icing sugar, sifted
45        gm Revenge Gluten-free Plain Flour Mix
15        gm poppy seeds
           Pinch salt
2          egg whites
130      gm unsalted butter, melted and cooled

Preheat oven to 170°C.

Roll out pastry to line a 24cm loose bottomed tart tin. Blind bake.

Place the dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix well. Add the egg whites and cooled butter and mix until well combined.

Spread the cooled, apple pulp evenly over the base of the blind baked tart case then gently spread the almond mixture over the top.

Arrange the poached apple pieces evenly around the edge of the tart on top of the almond mixture.

Place in the oven and bake for 20-35 minutes or until the top is golden and the filling has set.

Allow to cool completely in the tart tin before removing and transferring to a serving platter.

Serve at room temperature, dusted with icing sugar and with whipped cream on the side.

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