Burrata, that delicious creamy, soft, white Italian cheese, marries perfectly with a myriad of partners.

 It’s fabulous with prosciutto, salumi, ripe tomatoes tossed in olive oil, on a pizza, in a pasta and a little more unusually, but no less deliciously, in our recipe for Burrata with Edamame, Sweet Peas and Crunchy Chilli Shallots.

 The rich burrata, the crunch and spice of the chilli shallots and the freshness of the edamame and peas makes for a colourful, prepare-ahead, light lunch or entrée.



Serves 6

200      gm golden shallots
1          long dried chilli
          Rice bran oil for frying
120      gm podded edamame (around 425gm un-podded)
150      gm frozen baby peas
1          tablespoon chopped basil
           Basil oil (see below)
3          100 gm burrata or equivalent, at room temperature
           Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling
           Salt flakes to serve
         Roast cherry tomatoes (see below)

Peel the golden shallots then finely slice. Slicing on a mandolin is best to ensure all the slices are as fine and even as possible.

Slice off a few millimetres from the top of the chilli and shake to empty out the seeds. Discard the seeds as they will become very tough once fried and the chilli should be hot enough without.

Place the sliced shallots in a deep saucepan and pour in enough oil to just cover. As the shallots cook they will soften and reduce in volume.

Over a medium/low heat cook the shallots (from cold) until they are light golden brown, stirring from time to time to distribute evenly. Using a slotted spoon, remove the shallots to a tray lined with absorbent paper. The shallots will continue to cook in their own heat after they’re removed from the oil so it is important not to overcook them in the oil. Allow to cool completely.

Add the dried chilli to the oil and cook for a few seconds until it has darkened in colour. Remove to the absorbent paper lined tray. Allow to cool completely before crushing into fine flakes. Add to the fried shallots (to taste) and store in an airtight container until ready to use.

Place the edamame in a pot of boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain, refresh and drain again.

Place the frozen peas in a pot of boiling water and bring to the boil. Immediately drain, refresh and drain again.

Place half the peas in the bowl of a food processor and process until fairly smooth. Add the edamame and remaining peas and gently pulse for a few seconds just one, two or three times. You want plenty of texture but not many whole edamame or peas. Transfer to a bowl.

Toss the edamame mixture together with the basil oil to taste. Season to taste.

Using either individual plates or one serving platter, arrange the edamame mix to one side and the crispy chilli shallots to the other. Place the three burrata on top if using one serving platter or half a burrata for individual serves. Add the roasted cherry tomatoes and drizzle with the cherry tomato juices.

Sprinkle with sea salt flakes and serve with any of our gluten-free lavosh (scroll through savoury baking’ for many different lavosh and cracker recipes) or some crunchy gluten-free baguette. Our current favourite gluten-free baguette is from Hudson’s Bakery in Bondi Junction, Sydney.



1         cup basil leaves (about a bunch)
125     ml olive oil
           Salt flakes

Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil and add the basil leaves. Simmer for 1-2 minutes before draining, refreshing and draining again. Dry the leaves on absorbent paper.

Place the blanched leaves, the olive oil and salt in a food processor or blender and process until relatively smooth.

Strain, discarding the solids and store in the fridge for up to a week. Bring back to room temperature before use.



500      gm cherry tomatoes, on the vine if possible
1          tablespoon olive oil
2          teaspoons balsamic vinegar
½         teaspoon caster sugar
           Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Toss all ingredients together and bake until the skins are beginning to split and the tomatoes softening. Allow to cool and transfer to a container, ensuring you keep all the cooking juices as these will be used for drizzling over the finished dish.



All the different components can be made at least a day ahead. Just ensure that the chilli onions are kept airtight in a cool dark place (not refrigerated).

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