We’re signing off for the year and wishing you all a very happy Christmas and New Year.

There’s no doubt 2020 has been a difficult year and this Christmas and New Year your celebrations may be different but we know you’ll make the most of it.

Here’s to a safe, healthy and pandemic free 2021 and hope all will be ‘in the pink’ not only for Christmas but from here on in.

Cheers to that!

Much love,

Caren, Jan and Rosie


Makes about 25 pairs depending on size

60 gm (about 2.5 egg whites) at warm room temperature
Pinch cream of tartar
60 gm caster sugar
60 gm icing sugar, sifted
Pinch of oil based red or pink food colouring

Preheat oven to 100°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar in an electric mixer with a whisk attachment on high speed until medium peaks form.

Gradually add the caster sugar and continue whisking for a further 2-3 minutes or until the sugar has dissolved.

Fold through the icing sugar with a spatula.

Transfer a third of the mixture to a small bowl. Add a tiny pinch of food colouring and gently fold through the meringue, adding more colouring until you have achieved the depth of colour you want.

In dollops, transfer the coloured meringue back into the white meringue and swirl just to marble the colour through the white.

Transfer to a piping bag with a 1.5cm nozzle attached. Pipe the meringues, 2cm in diameter, onto the prepared tray. If you don’t have a piping bag, simply spoon the mixture onto the prepared tray using a teaspoon.

Bake for 1.5 hours or until the meringues are crunchy all the way through the centre. The timing will depend on the size of your meringues. Small meringues (2-3cm) will take 1.5 hours. Allow to cool on the tray before transferring to an airtight container.

These meringues will keep for a few weeks if stored properly.

White Chocolate Filling

50 gm white couverture chocolate
30 ml pure cream
1 teaspoon (7gm) honey
Pinch sea salt
1/4 teaspoon unsalted butter

Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Being the cream, honey and salt to a boil and immediately pour over the white chocolate. Stir until smooth. Add the butter and stir until smooth. Allow to stand for 2-3 hours to set. Transfer to a small piping bag and cut a small amount from the tip of the bag.

Just before serving, pipe the filling onto the base of one meringue and gently sandwich it together with another meringue of similar size and shape.

The filling will store in the fridge for a few days. Bring back to room temperature before use.

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