MINI SAUSAGE ROLLS made with Gluten-Free Cream Cheese Pastry

One mouthful sausage rolls? What next, party pies? you may be asking. Well possibly. If we can make them as moreish as these little bites then why not.

We’ve elevated the humble sausage roll by offering two very tasty fillings to choose from, a pork and green peppercorn combo or spicy kumera and chickpea, and encasing it in our Gluten-Free Cream Cheese Pastry.

Small but big on flavour, our Mini Sausage Rolls will go down a treat at your next gathering. Have fun.



MINI SAUSAGE ROLLS made with Gluten-Free Cream Cheese Pastry

Make the pastry at least a day or up to 4 days before the rolls are required. This pastry also freezes well so can be made weeks ahead if necessary.

Makes approximately 35 mini rolls using one of the fillings below.

Pastry and Assembly

½ recipe Revenge Gluten-Free Cream Cheese Pastry
1 recipe Spiced Kumera and Chickpea Filling or Pork and Green Peppercorn Filling
1 egg, lightly beaten, for sealing and brushing the pastry
Sea salt flakes
Black sesame seeds or nigella seeds, optional
Tomato or spicy sauce for serving, optional

Cut the pastry into 2 pieces, cover and refrigerate.

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Line 1-2 oven trays with baking paper.

Working with a piece of pastry at a time (keep the other piece refrigerated), lightly bash the piece with a rolling pin into a rough square. Roll out to 4mm thickness between 2 pieces of baking paper. Cut 2 strips of 8cm x 18cm. Gather up the pastry off-cuts and set aside.

Transfer the strips onto one of the oven trays and place in the fridge.

Repeat the process with the other piece of pastry. By using the off-cuts and re-rolling them you should end up with 5 strips.

Divide your preferred filling mixture into 5 portions.

Working with one 8cm x 18cm strip at a time, place the pastry with a long side closest to you onto a sheet of baking paper. With a small pastry brush, apply some of the beaten egg to the 2 long sides.

Place a portion of filling along the long side closest to you, forming a long, thin sausage. If the roll is too full it may be necessary to remove some of the filling. Roll the pastry and filling towards the other long side and press the join together to seal. Trim the ends and set aside, join side down. Repeat with remaining pastry strips and mixture. There may be some mixture left over.

Cut each roll on a slight diagonal at 2.5cm intervals into 6-7 pieces. Brush the tops and ends of the mini rolls with the beaten egg and place back onto the paper-lined oven tray/s. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt flakes, and seeds if using.

Bake for 20 minutes or until nicely golden and the inner temperature of a roll is hot to the touch when tested with a metal skewer.

Spiced Kumera and Chickpea Filling

250 gm kumera, peeled and quartered lengthwise
25 ml grapeseed oil
1 golden shallot, finely diced
¼ red capsicum, in 5mm pieces
½ cup cooked chickpeas, lightly crushed
¼ bunch coriander, stalks and roots only, use leaves for another purpose
½ teaspoon garam masala
¼ teaspoon chilli flakes
½ teaspoon sea salt
Ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 200°C. Line an oven tray with baking paper.

Place the kumera on the oven tray and drizzle over half the oil. Bake for 20 minutes or until the flesh is soft when pierced with a knife. Remove from oven and cool a little.

Meanwhile heat the remaining oil in a small frying pan. Over low heat, cook the shallot and capsicum until soft. Add the chickpeas, coriander, spices and seasoning.

Mash the kumera and add to the chickpea mixture. Stir to combine and adjust seasoning to taste. Set aside as you roll out the pastry or refrigerate for up to 2 days.

Pork and Green Peppercorn Filling

20 gm fine polenta
50 ml boiling water
1 teaspoon olive oil
½ small onion, grated
¼ green apple, peeled and cored
1 garlic clove, minced
½ teaspoon fennel seeds
175 gm premium pork mince
1 egg
1 teaspoons green peppercorns, rinsed and drained, lightly crushed
1 teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon chilli flakes
1 scant tablespoon finely chopped parsley

Combine the polenta and water and set aside for 5 minutes until the water has been absorbed by the polenta.

Heat the oil over low heat in a small frying pan then add the onion and apple. Cook for a few minutes then add the garlic and fennel seeds. Continue cooking for 1 minute.

Transfer to a large bowl to cool for 5 minutes. Add the soaked polenta, mince, egg, peppercorns, salt, chilli flakes and parsley.

Stir for a minute then, with gloved hands, knead the mixture until well combined. Use the back of a spoon to crush any polenta lumps against the side of the bowl.

Press baking paper onto the mixture, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour or up to 24 hours to allow the flavours to develop.


Why not make double the quantity and have uncooked rolls as back up in the freezer for that last minute party. Cover closely in an airtight container and freeze for up to one month.

If you fancy larger sausage rolls, click on the link for specific instructions, Pork and Green Peppercorn Sausage Rolls.

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