It looks like there may be something for everyone in our Raspberry Ripe Semifreddo.

There’s a coconut macaroon base topped with a delicious, creamy, frozen raspberry dessert and a layer of chocolate chip running through the centre. We think it’s going to be a real crowd pleaser.

It’s also a cook pleaser because, unlike ice cream, it doesn’t need to be churned, it can be made for small or large numbers and can be made up to a week ahead.

It’s also as pretty as anything. And when the call for dessert comes you’ll be completely chilled too, because all you have to do is slice and serve.




Serves 12-14

For the Coconut Base

75 gm ground almonds
75 gm desiccated coconut
75 gm caster sugar
3 egg whites, at room temperature
1 pinch cream of tartar

Preheat oven to 160°C. Line two 26cm x 8cm x 8cm tins or equivalent with baking paper extending the baking paper 5 or 6cm above the rims.

Combine the almonds, coconut and sugar together in a bowl. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until firm peaks form.

Gently fold the coconut mixture into the egg whites a third at a time.

Spread half onto the base of each of the prepared tins. Smooth the top, (the back of a damp spoon is helpful for this) and bake for 20 minutes or until the edges start to colour. Cool completely.

For the Semifreddo

450 gm raspberries, fresh or frozen and defrosted
6 eggs, separated
100 gm caster sugar
130 gm honey
1 teaspoon pure vanilla paste
1 pinch cream of tartar
600 ml thickened cream, whipped
100 gm dark (55%) couverture chocolate, finely chopped in a food processor

Purée the raspberries in the food processor and pass through a fine sieve to remove the seeds. Discard them.

Using an electric mixer, whisk together the egg yolks, 75gm of the caster sugar and the honey until thick and pale – 6-8 minutes. Fold in the vanilla paste. Set aside.

Whisk the egg whites with the cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually add the remaining 25gm caster sugar then continue to whisk for a further 2 minutes.

Combine 55gm of the egg yolk mixture, 50gm of the whipped whites and 120gm of the whipped cream together in a bowl. Fold in the chopped chocolate.

Fold the raspberry purée into the remaining egg yolk mixture then fold in the cream. Fold in the egg whites in three batches.

Divide the raspberry mixture into 4 and spoon one portion on top of the coconut base in one of the prepared tins. Gently spoon half the chocolate chip mixture on top and spread to cover. Spoon another portion of the raspberry mixture on top and smooth the surface. Place in the freezer and repeat with the remaining mixtures into the remaining prepared tin.

Freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight.

To Serve

Berry fruit, mint leaves (or holly for Christmas), toasted shaved coconut
chocolate curls and pure icing to decorate

Before your guests arrive, un-mould the semifreddos onto serving platters and return to the freezer. Move to the fridge 15 minutes before serving.

To serve, top with any or all of the above decoration suggestions.


If you prefer, to make one large semifreddo, you can use a lined 20-22cm round tin or equivalent. Spread all the coconut mixture on to the base of the tin and bake as above. Spoon half the raspberry mixture on top of the cooked and cooled base, then all the chocolate chip mixture, followed by the remaining raspberry mixture. Smooth the top and freeze.

If you don’t want to hassle with the vanilla/chocolate layer, simply fold the raspberry purée and all the chopped chocolate into the egg mixture, followed by the cream then the egg whites.

You can even leave out the coconut base and simply transfer the semifreddo mixture straight into the prepared tins and freeze.

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