Sake. Prawns. Ginger. Shitake.

Yes, this recipe combines a number of classic Japanese flavours. We added some bean thread noodles and included a few coriander leaves thus taking the dish into the popular Pan-Asian realm.

Sake Prawns with Bean Thread Noodles is a light, fresh and easy to make warm salad. Just about everything you want from a summertime entree.


Sake Prawn and Noodle Salad Square Pic.jpg
Sake Prawn and Noodle Pic Ade's square pic..jpeg


Serves 10

30 large king prawns or 40 medium king prawns
400 ml cooking sake (we use one from Essential Ingredient)
2 teaspoons finely shredded fresh ginger
100 gm vermicelli bean thread noodles
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
4 spring onions
1 small carrot, peeled
100 gm fresh shitake and/or tiny king oyster mushrooms, finely sliced
70 ml Japanese gluten-free tamari
1 teaspoon sesame oil
10 ml lemon juice
½ cup coriander leaves, or mixture of micro salad leaves

Peel the prawns and remove heads and intestinal tract. Place prawns in a ceramic bowl and stir in the sake and ginger. Cover and set aside in the fridge for 2 hours.

Place noodles in a bowl with the salt and pour over boiling water, leave for 3 minutes or until soft. Drain, refresh in cold water, drain again, cut in half and set aside.

Julienne the spring onions and soak in iced water. Using a vegetable peeler, take fine strips from the carrot. Add the strips to the iced water and set aside.

Remove prawns from sake marinade and set aside. Bring marinade to the boil in a wide saucepan then reduce to a gentle simmer. Add prawns and simmer for 2-3 minutes only so prawns are barely cooked. Remove prawns to a large bowl. Strain marinade into a small bowl and discard the solids.

If chilled, warm the noodles in a microwave. Add the noodles, strained spring onions and carrot strips, and the mushrooms to the prawns. Toss gently.

Add the tamari, sesame oil and lemon juice to the strained marinade. Add half this dressing to the prawn mixture and gently toss to coat. Taste for flavour and add more dressing as required.

Portion onto 10 plates or onto one large serving platter. Scatter over leaves. Serve remaining dressing on the side.


Various steps of this recipe can be done the day before the dish is to be served: the prawns can be peeled and the noodles, spring onions, carrot and mushrooms prepared. Keep everything separate in airtight clip-lock bags or similar in the fridge.

This means that once the prawns are marinated for 2 hours on the day, it will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete the dish.

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