One of the few herbs in my garden which does not make a lovely dinner for the local possums, snails and other hungry varmints is French tarragon. It’s a champion. I like to keep a pot growing as it’s not always available at the market and I’m addicted to our Tarragon Salsa

Not your run-of-the-mill salsa, this tarragon version is made with bread, gluten-free for us, so could be closely related to a skordalia.

The vinegar and strong tarragon flavour cut through richness making it the perfect foil for lamb cutlets or a slow cooked lamb shoulder. It is heaven tossed through steamed green beans, with cheese or even mixed with yoghurt to marinate a chicken before roasting or barbequing.

It is really easy to make and keeps for several weeks in the fridge without losing any flavour.




Makes approximately 2 x 250ml jars

200 gm white, gluten-free bread
125 ml quality white wine vinegar
1 small head of garlic, approximately 40 gm, peeled and chopped
1 cup loosely packed French tarragon leaves, approximately 20 gm, chopped
300 ml extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to season

Remove crusts from bread and discard or keep for another use. Roughly cube the bread.

In a small bowl toss the bread in the vinegar and allow to stand for half an hour. Squeeze out any excess vinegar.

Place the chopped garlic and tarragon into a food processor and process until finely chopped.

Add the bread and process briefly.

While the processor is running, add the olive oil in a steady stream. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

Transfer to sterilised jars and keep in the fridge.

TIP: If the oil separates from the mass, as can happen with some gluten-free breads, refrigerate the salsa and when cold, stir well.

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