Make a big batch of Sauce Gribiche for Christmas and you’ll be surprised how versatile it is. Made with hard boiled eggs whisked with vinegar and olive oil and combined with gerkins, capers, mustard and herbs, it’ll be a fabulous addition to your Christmas larder.

Pairing it with asparagus and hot-smoked trout makes an elegant entrée but it is just as delicious with other vegetables, turkey, ham or pork.

On Boxing Day, throw your left-overs and some salad leaves into a big bowl and dress with Sauce Gribiche for an easy and very delicious lunch or supper. It’s also fabulous on a turkey or ham sandwich.

Another advantage is that it keeps well in the fridge for a few days, so you can make it ahead of time and put your feet up before the hungry horde arrives - just kidding.



Serves 10

60 asparagus spears (8-10 bunches), trimmed and blanched
Olive oil for glazing
200 gm hot-smoked trout, any bones removed, flesh flaked

Sauce Gribiche

6 eggs, hard boiled
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
½ tablespoon white wine vinegar
200 ml olive oil
1 cup tarragon leaves, finely chopped
1 cup flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
2 tablespoons capers in salt, washed, drained and chopped
80 gm petite cornichons (tiny gerkins), finely chopped

Remove the whites from two of the hard boiled eggs and discard or reserve for another purpose.

Finely chop the 2 yolks and the 4 eggs or put through a potato ricer for a fine and more even result. Add the mustard and white wine vinegar and whisk to form a creamy paste. While whisking, add the olive oil a drop at a time, as you would for mayonnaise or aioli, until you have a thick, creamy emulsion.

Fold in the herbs, capers and petite cornichons. Season to taste.

Sauce Gribiche will keep in the fridge for up to three days.

Toss asparagus in a little olive oil to glaze.

When ready to serve, place 2-3 tablespoons of sauce on each of 10 plates or spread all the sauce on a large serving platter.

Top with asparagus and scatter flaked trout over.

TIP: The hot smoked trout can be replaced with ham, prosciutto, smoked salmon etc. Sauce Gribiche is fabulous served with leftover Christmas ham and turkey and is great on sandwiches.

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