We love our lavosh here at The Coeliac’s Revenge, and so do many of our followers. We even have requests to take some along to parties where a gluten-free cracker is needed. Forget the champagne, they say, just bring lavosh!

And now we have another version which includes a less common gluten-free ingredient, chestnut flour. It has a nutty flavour and a lovely aroma, and makes a great lavosh.



150 gm Revenge No.2 Gluten-Free Almond Plain Flour link
75 gm chestnut flour
½ teaspoon caster sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
75 gm butter, melted
120 ml water, lukewarm
Sea salt flakes

Preheat oven to 175°C. 2-3 large oven trays are required.

Combine flours, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix together. Add the butter and water and mix with a fork until just combined. Knead with your hand to bring the dough together into a ball. Add water a teaspoon at a time if too dry, or a small spoonful of the plain flour if too wet.

Divide the dough into 8. Roll pieces between 2 sheets of baking paper to around 2mm thick. Transfer lavosh on the bottom sheet of paper to an oven tray.

Repeat with the remaining pieces. Sprinkle salt flakes over the lavosh.

Bake for 12-15 minutes or until a rich golden brown. Allow to stand until cool enough to handle then transfer to a cooling rack.


Not sure what else you can do with chestnut flour? Why not try our Chestnut Cream Sponge recipe.

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