This smoked salmon lasagne, served chilled, is a favourite oldie but a goodie recipe from Steve Manfreddi which we have adapted by using gluten-free lasagne sheets for the coeliacs amongst us but it works equally as well with wheat pasta. The tomato sauces and parsley and garlic salsa can be made two days ahead and the whole lasagne compiled and refrigerated the day before.


Serves 8

Tomato and Olive Oil Salsa

2          kg ripe tomatoes, peeled then pureed in a blender
125      mls extra virgin olive oil
            Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Pass the tomatoes through a mouli into a saucepan.  Bring almost to the boil and remove from the heat.  Whisk in the olive oil a little at a time until all is incorporated.  Allow to cool.  Refrigerate until ready to use

Tomato Sauce

1          brown onion, finely chopped
1          carrot, finely chopped
1          stick celery, finely chopped
1          clove garlic, minced
80        mls extra virgin olive oil
1          kg ripe tomatoes, roughly pureed
¼         bunch fresh basil leaves, chopped
            Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Saute the onion, carrot, celery and garlic in the olive oil until softened.  Add the pureed tomatoes and basil and simmer until the liquid has evaporated and you have a thick unctuous sauce. Season to taste.

Parsley and Garlic Salsa

1         large bunch flat leaf parsley
3         loves garlic, minced
           Extra virgin olive oil
           Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper

Place the parsley and garlic into food processor. Process while drizzling the olive oil in until you have a textured but runny salsa.  Season to taste.

To Assemble

           Extra virgin olive oil
6         sheets cooked, gluten-free pasta (we use Casalare brand) cut exactly to the size of the                          base of terrine mould
500     gm smoked salmon
100     gm wild rocket

Line a flat sided terrine mould, 26cm x 8.5cm x 7.5cm deep (or similar) with baking paper. Brush the base with olive oil.  Place a sheet of pasta on the bottom.  Spoon some parsley and garlic salsa over the pasta sheet, spreading it evenly with the back of a spoon. Place one third of the smoked salmon evenly over the pasta so that the pasta is covered completely. Place a sheet of pasta over the smoked salmon and generously spoon the tomato sauce over.  Cover this with half the rocket leaves.

Repeat this sequence of layers until you have used up all the pasta sheets.  There should be two layers of the greens and three layers of the smoked salmon.  Place the last pasta sheet on top and oil the top.  Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

To serve, turn the lasagne out onto a flat tray or board and slice. Spoon some Tomato and Olive Oil Salsa onto each plate and place a slice of the lasagne in the centre.  Serve.

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