Family brunch gatherings can be tricky occasions with the catering requiring some serious tactical thought. What to cook to satisfy everyone’s tastes from the eight to eighty year olds, coeliacs, vegetarians and the rest.

Never fear, we have a solution. Our Corn Cakes with Tomato Jam, bacon or feta and rocket really are a winner. They cover all bases as all the individual elements are optional.

Easy to prepare and very tasty with their sweet/salty combination of corn and bacon, or feta for the vegetarians, these Corn Cakes are great for brunch or lunch and, if made in tiny proportions, are fabulous with pre-dinner drinks.

The tomato jam can be made well in advance, stores well in the fridge and compliments, meat, cheese or egg dishes. Try tossing it over blanched green beans or anywhere you might fancy a slightly piquant tomato condiment.




Serves 8

500 gm corn kernels (about 3 cobs)
90 ml milk
70 gm Revenge Gluten-free plain flour mix (find our flour mixes here)
½ teaspoon sweet paprika
Pinch chilli flakes
½ teaspoon sea salt flakes
Freshly ground black pepper
3 eggs, separated
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
8 slices bacon or pancetta, grilled or barbequed, to serve
Marinated feta, optional
Handful rocket, to serve
Tomato jam to serve (see below)

Blanch corn kernels in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain and allow to cool. Blend half the corn kernels in a food processor along with the milk. Transfer to a mixing bowl and fold in the remaining corn kernels, the flour, paprika, chilli flakes, salt, pepper and egg yolks.

Whisk egg whites until firm peaks form. Fold half into the corn mix followed by the remaining half.

Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large heavy based frying pan over a medium heat and spoon in large serving spoon sized dollops of the corn mixture. Allow to cook until the bases are golden brown then gently turn and brown the other side. Repeat until you have 16 corn cakes. Keep warm in the oven if necessary.

To Serve:

Place 8 warm corn cakes on to a warmed serving platter or 8 individual plates. Top with a slice of cooked bacon or pancetta (or some marinated feta)and some rocket. Top with another corn cake and finish with a spoonful of tomato jam.

Serve immediately.

Corn Cakes with Tomato Jam Tom Jam pic.jpeg


Makes 1 x 250ml jar

1 400gm tin Italian peeled tomatoes
1 tablespoon brown mustard seeds
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt flakes and ground black pepper to taste

Place all ingredients except the salt and pepper in a heavy based saucepan and bring to a rapid simmer. Cook, stirring often, squashing the tomatoes, until the liquid has reduced to almost nothing and the mixture has a thick, jammy texture.

Season to taste. Transfer to a sterilised jar. Tomato jam will keep, refrigerated, for several weeks.

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