We’ve taken our Watermelon and Tomato Gazpacho, tweaked the recipe a bit then frozen it to create an accompaniment to fresh oysters. The flavours of the gazpacho and the brininess of the oysters are a great combination, we think.

The colourful soup is made up to a day before required and placed in the freezer. Then, by either the traditional method of repeatedly scraping it with a fork or an easier version of whizzing it in a food processor or using a stick blender, the crystalline granita texture is fashioned.

It’s cool, simple and delicious. And will be a welcome treat on a hot day. 




Serves 10

1              400gm tin Italian chopped tomatoes                                                                                   
400   gm very ripe tomatoes, blanched, peeled, cored and chopped
2             peeled garlic cloves, blanched with the tomatoes
600         gm watermelon flesh, roughly chopped, dark seeds discarded
160         gm celery, chopped
50           gm golden shallots, chopped
30           ml red wine vinegar
50           ml extra virgin olive oil                                                                                                  
20  ml lemon juice, or more to taste
1             handful fresh mixed herbs such as basil, mint and parsley, roughly chopped
2             teaspoons Tabasco
2             teaspoons sea salt, or more to taste
              Black pepper to taste                                                                                    
500          gm rock salt, refrigerated in its packet for at least 6 hours,
             (used to nestle the oysters and keep them cool when served)                                 5          dozen very fresh, Sydney rock oysters, on the half shell, chilled
            Small basil leaves, tiny tomatoes and lemon wedges for garnish

Either a 3 litre capacity bowl or 2 shallow dishes are required to freeze the gazpacho.
Chill 10 x 200ml capacity glass dishes and 10 individual serving plates at least an hour before serving.

Process tinned tomatoes, blanched tomatoes, blanched garlic, watermelon, celery and shallots in a blender until smooth.

Add the vinegar, oil, lemon juice, herbs, Tabasco, sea salt and pepper. Blend again. Add more seasoning, lemon juice or Tabasco to taste, remembering that freezing will mask some of the flavour. There will be approximately 1.75 litres.

There are 2 main ways to proceed from this point:

1. The easier method utilises a food processor or stick blender.  

Pour gazpacho into a wide, 3 litre capacity bowl. Cover tightly with foil and place carefully in the freezer, ensuring it stays level.

After 3-4 hours of freezing, when it is mostly frozen, roughly break up the gazpacho into chunks. Return it to the freezer, for up to 24 hours, until half an hour before serving.  Remove to the fridge for 20 minutes to soften just a little.

Transfer to the processor and whizz the mixture until a granita-like texture is achieved.  Or use a powerful stick blender to whizz the mixture in the bowl. In either the food processor or with the stick blender, you may need to do the whizzing in batches. (If you blend it too much you will end up with a smoother mixture, which is not a bad thing. So don’t worry too much.)

Return the granita in the bowl to the freezer for a few minutes while you prepare the oysters and garnish for serving.

2. The traditional method is to freeze the gazpacho in shallow containers.

Then remove from the freezer after 1-2 hours and scrape the icy mixture with a fork, mixing it from the edges into the centre. After repeating the freezing and scraping process 2 or 3 times you will achieve a granita-like consistency. Return it to the freezer until half an hour before serving. Remove to the fridge for 20 minutes to soften just a little while you prepare the oysters and garnish for serving. If necessary, scrape and mix the granita again just before serving.

Place a large spoonful of rock salt on one side of each chilled plate. Nestle 6 oysters on top of the salt. Spoon gazpacho granita into chilled glass dishes and garnish with small basil leaves, halved tiny tomatoes and lemon wedges. Place beside the oysters. Serve immediately with a small fork and spoon.


The recipe can easily be halved for fewer serves.

Any leftover gazpacho granita can be defrosted and consumed as an icy cold soup.

Or used as an indulgent slushy on a hot day – add a jigger of gin or vodka to taste and decorate with silly cocktail umbrellas to get that holiday feeling.

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