Reputedly, the Tarte Tatin was accidentally invented in the 1880s by one of the Tatin sisters, who ran the Hotel Tatin in France.

It was traditionally only made with caramelised apples and known as an upside-down apple tart but these days anything baked with the pastry on top, a good suntan, and turned up to serve, is referred to as a something-or-other Tatin, sweet or savoury.

Ours is made with pears. Our friend Pamela, who is a wonderful cook, made a pear version for me and it was so delicious I just had to make a gluten-free version which Jan and our gluten intolerant friends could share.

This week, we present our Gluten-free Pear Tarte Tatin. Hope you love it as much as we do.



Serves 10
You can start this recipe the day before

 9         Beurre Bosc (brown) pears
100      gm unsalted butter
220      gm brown sugar
1          large lemon, juice only
1          tablespoon Poire William liqueur or cognac
1          recipe Revenge Gluten-free Cream Cheese Pastry, see below
           Caster sugar for sprinkling

Have at the ready, a 30cm flame and ovenproof pan with a lid. It should be around 5cm deep so as to accommodate the pears with the pastry on top.

Peel, halve and core the pears. Cut the halves lengthwise into four keeping them attached at the narrow end.

Melt the butter over a low heat in the 30cm flame and ovenproof pan.

Arrange the pears, cut side up, in the pan. Sprinkle with the brown sugar and lemon juice.

Bring to a simmer over a low heat and cover until the pears are almost cooked.

Remove the cover, add the Poire William liqueur or cognac and simmer until the liquid has reduced and starts to smell like caramel.

Check the underside of a couple of the pears, they should be lightly browned at this stage.

Allow to cool then refrigerate.

Meanwhile, make the Revenge Gluten-free Cream Cheese Pastry.



150        gm cold butter, cubed
250       gm cream cheese, cubed
280     gm Revenge Gluten-free Plain Flour Mix
4          gm guar gum

Place butter and cream cheese in a food processor and pulse to bring together.

Whisk flour mix and guar gum to combine then add to the processor and pulse again, scraping down the sides of the bowl when necessary. Process until the pastry comes together.

Turn the pastry onto baking paper and knead for a few minutes. Flatten to a disk, wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Roll the pastry out in between two sheets of baking paper to a 30cm round with a thickness of 5mm.

Return to the fridge for a further 30 minutes.

Place the pastry disk on top of the cold pears, tucking in the edges of the pastry if possible to form a lip later when inverted. Tucking the pastry in can be difficult with gluten-free pastry and if so, just leave it flat on top of the pears making sure the pastry is a tight fit.

Sprinkle the pastry with caster sugar.

The recipe can be made to this stage the day before and stored in the fridge until ready to bake.

When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 200°C fan forced (220°C conventional).

Place the tarte in the oven and bake for 40-50 minutes or until the pastry is golden.

Allow your Tarte Tatin to cool a little then VERY carefully up-turn it onto a serving platter. The pears will now be on top.

It can be served immediately or at room temperature with whipped cream or ice cream.

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