Creamy yoghurt is easily transformed into Labneh by hanging it for 24 hours to allow the liquid whey to drain away. The resulting thickened yoghurt is then used in all manner of ways and sometimes formed into little balls, stored in olive oil.

Covered in crunchy Hazelnut Dukkah they are fabulous as part of a mezze selection and are great on gluten-free crackers for a snack or added to a salad. Yes, they’re a handy item to have in the fridge.



1 kilo Greek yoghurt
1 teaspoon sea salt
Olive oil

Stir salt into the yoghurt.

Line a bowl with a damp square of calico or a double layer of new kitchen cloth. Spoon the yoghurt mix onto the cloth. Draw the 4 corners into a knot around the handle of a wooden spoon, making a tight bundle of the yoghurt. Hang the bundle over a deep bowl or wide jug so that the whey can drip away.

Alternatively, place the cloth bundle in a colander that fits snugly over a bowl, making sure there is room beneath for the whey to drain.

Refrigerate for 24 hours, squeezing the bundle 3-4 times during that time.

Discard the whey or use it for another purpose such as tenderising a piece of lamb to be roasted.

Using oil-coated hands, form walnut-sized balls of the labneh and place on a plate covered in hazelnut dukkah.

Roll the balls around, gently pressing into the dukkah.

Sterilise 2-3 glass jars. Carefully place the balls into the jars and fill with olive oil to cover. Keep refrigerated. Use within 2 weeks.



2 tablespoons white sesame seeds
2 tablespoons black sesame seeds
2 tablespoons coriander seeds
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
30 gm roasted hazelnuts
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground

Combine the sesame seeds in a small frying pan and toast over medium heat until the white seeds begin to colour. Set aside.

Combine the coriander and cumin seeds and toast in the pan until fragrant. Set aside with the sesame seeds.

Grind the roasted hazelnuts in a spice grinder for 5 seconds, toss and process for another 5 seconds. Be careful not to over process or the nuts will turn to a paste. Add all the other ingredients and process in bursts until the nuts and seeds are well combined but the mix is not too fine. (Or alternatively crush hazelnuts and seeds in a mortar.) Store in a dry jar.

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